Saturday, May 10, 2008


Fabiano Farah, Executive Director of R9 Group

Fabiano is Ronaldo’s official representative. He was previously responsible for developing and promoting the image and brand of racing driver Ayrton Senna, including the creation of the cartoon character ’Seninha’.


The Madrid-based law firm, represented by Diego Rodriguez, Javier Ferrero and Julio Senn act as lawyers and advisors to Ronaldo, and are also responsible for advising on matters relating to his image rights, tax and accountancy.

Barbosa, Musnich & Aragão

Brazilian law firm Barbosa, Musnich & Aragão represent Ronaldo in his home country. Acting in the persons of lawyers Francisco Musnich and Amir Bocaiuva, they are the partner firm of Garrigues in Brazil.

Inpress Porter Novelli

One of the largest PR firms in Brazil, Inpress Porter Novelli handles media and public relations on behalf of Ronaldo. Spearheaded by leading PR professionals, they boast an international profile and exceptional penetration within the Brazilian media. The R9 Group account at Inpress is handled by company executives Ana Julião and Felipe Bruno.

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